
5 Things You Should Know Before Using CBD Oil for Sleep

Thai people in the group have sleep problems such as having difficulty falling asleep, falling asleep and staying asleep. Takes a long time to fall asleep Frequent waking up in the middle of the night When I woke up, I didn’t sleep. including waking up too early to cause insufficient sleep But with research studies that have found that the active substance in CBD oil helps to sleep faster. make sleep longer increase deep sleep and reduce the period of sleep This led insomnia patients to buy CBD oil to help them sleep. Some people may not understand the information and how to use it.


Active substances in CBD oil to aid sleep

When it comes to the active ingredients in CBD oil, there are more than 100 types, but for sleeping CBD oil, there are 2 main active ingredients, THC and CBD. Concentration, dosage and ratio of THC to CBD, as well as its application, for example as a tablet, sublingual, or rectal suppository. Moreover, each person has different sensitivity to the two active substances. So the results are different as well.


Proportion of active ingredients in CBD oil to aid sleep

Choosing CBD Oil for Effective Sleep Always look at the label or description before use for the proportion of THC and CBD. THC content is several times higher than CBD, the nervous system is more alert than drowsy. While CBD oil contains a higher percentage of CBD than THC, it counteracts the effects of THC to reduce anxiety and make it easier to fall asleep or stay asleep longer.


1. The consumption of CBD oil

Dosage of CBD oil for sleep aid

Who has never experienced using herbs for health care before? Especially CBD oil products that help with sleep. Most of them should try it for the first time and worry that it won’t work. causing too much use to the point of being restless and unable to sleep Or if you use too little, you won’t see the results you want. Therefore, when using CBD oil for the first time Should try a little, just 1-2 drops first. If not effective, can increase the number continuously.


2. Restrictions on the use of CBD oil

Restrictions on the use of CBD oil to aid sleep

The use of any herb, although it has many interesting benefits. But there are disadvantages or limitations that should be careful. For example, CBD oil is effective at making it easier to sleep, and over time you may need to increase the amount of use. Because our bodies are resistant to the action of important substances. If you stop using it yourself without following the manufacturer’s recommendations, you may experience insomnia or worsen sleep quality.


3. Modification of sleep behavior

CBD oil and sleep behavior modification

To make use of CBD oil for sleep The environment and bedroom should be arranged to have a relaxing atmosphere. Then prepare yourself for quality sleep.

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or spend time in front of a screen before bedtime.
  • Avoid triggers that cause insomnia.
  • not exercising before going to bed
  • Don’t take a hot shower before going to bed.
  • Avoid eating large meals near bedtime.
  • no naps during the day
  • Relax your mind reduce tension don’t worry
  • If you go to bed and can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, you should not force yourself to sleep. You should get out of bed immediately. Do quiet activities like reading or meditating. When he felt sleepy, he slowly returned to sleep.


4. Hangover from CBD oil use

Hangover from CBD oil use

This is because the health benefits of CBD oil are still relatively new. It is common for people who use CBD oil for sleep to experience dizziness. feeling dizzy Or after waking up there is a strange numbness similar to that of a hangover from alcohol. But CBD oil hangovers only occur in the early stages, and as the body adjusts, the symptoms diminish. During the day, drink plenty of water and eat nutritious food. Along with observing their own symptoms as well as whether there are any abnormalities or not.


5. Changes that occur while sleeping

REM with CBD oil

One of the most noticeable consequences of using CBD oil for sleep is “not dreaming,” because the active ingredient in CBD oil restricts your sleep cycles, Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, also known as REM Sleep. This is called the “sleep cycle” which tends to conscientiously trigger dreams. As a result, there is a lack of sleep until insufficient rest.

In scientific studies, REM, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, is extremely important for rest. Although more research is needed to determine the relationship of the active ingredient in CBD oil with sleep. But while using any form of CBD-related products You should always monitor your symptoms and sleep behavior.

There is currently no standardized dosage of the active ingredient CBD for the benefits of CBD oil to aid sleep. But research indicates that the use of only 25 – 1,500 mg per day. is considered enough So starting to use it little by little and gradually increasing the amount should be good for our safety as well. This will see results only when used continuously for 2 – 3 weeks.

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